Apple tree: Jumbo variety - (Malus domestica)

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A variety from Kent that does very well in Cornwall. The first pickings are in Late August / early September as a cooking apple. However, if left on the tree until October the sugar levels are high enough for it to morph into an eating apple of huge proportion. It can then be sliced thinly and dried in a dehydrator or juiced to produce a fine apple juice. While the pulp can make excellent fruit leather. Early harvests don’t keep, however, the longevity of the October harvest fairs much better. Be warned pick some early on as a tree in full fruit can snap off at the base in the wind

Type: Dual

Flowering Group: 3 (requires a pollinator) Our suggestions are Bramley 20, Discovery, Scrumptious, Charles Ross, Ashmead's Kernel, Breadfruit, Cornish Queen, Manaccan Primrose, Cornish Aromatic, Cornish Gillyflower or Herefordshire Russet.

Rootstock: MM106

Size: 1 year maiden

Grown as: Bare root

Hardiness: Frost hardy to over minus 20

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The nursery is run by Simon Miles NCH RHS with over 40 years experience in horticulture

Course: Natural Healing & Self Care
Plum: Kea Plum (Prunus domestica) Cornish Variety
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Apple tree: Cornish Mother- (Malus domestica)
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