Course: Women's Health


A great number of women have their lives compromised by issues to do with either their monthly cycle or the menopause. This course will cover the many painful conditions that can arise from these natural bodily functions: heavy bleeding, menstrual migraines, painful periods, with cramps, menstrual tension, cravings for certain foods, brain fog and issues with Iron absorption.

Simon will share his knowledge and experience from his Natural Healing Pain Clinic to help reduce and manage these symptoms.

Other Information:

Location: The Forest Garden, Penjerrick Hill, Budock Water, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 5ED, Free on site Parking available.


• Saturday 24th May &

• Saturday 1st November 2025

Times: 10:00 – 15:00, (suggest you arrive by 09:45 for registration etc,) It is suggested that you bring a packed lunch for you to enjoy in the Forest Garden.

Duration: one day course

Fee: £55

Tutor: Simon Miles MH Ir VA RM

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